Anti-oppressive Practice is about Critical Compassion and Reflective Practice, which in turn is also about how we treat the communities and people we work with in a therapeutic or organizational setting.

Image of a map on a wall that has the words Racism, sexism and homophobia are not permitted in this area
black square with white lettering that says: If you have come to help me please go home. But if you have come because your liberation is somehow bound with mine, then we may work together. By Aboriginal Activist in Queensland 1970's

My Commitment....

In all of my efforts to collaborate for change, I value relationships, and approach my work with respect for all people. I strive in both my perspectives and practices, to challenge racism, sexism, homophobia, and oppression in all its forms.
I challenge power structures at all levels. I am committed to becoming a better ally
Holistic Analysis: Social, economic and ecological issues are interconnected and interdependent. The problems are interrelated, and so are the solutions. 
Analyzing Power: Through the analysis of institutional power, I identify and unpack the systems of oppression, and analyze the narratives that help to legitimize and hold these institutions in place. I will bring a power analysis lens to all of our work
Undoing Racism: I commit to create and promote an anti-racist practice in our work, and challenge and make visible the internal and external racism and oppression that may impact your healing. 
Listening: I take responsibility for making a safe space for your voice, listening deeply to your experiences, stories, and histories, while being sensitive to each other’s perspectives and identities.
Acting: I will work consciously and consistently to challenge historic patterns of marginalization and oppression including racism, sexism, homophobia and discrimination in all its forms. 

Appreciation and Gratitude: for the whole of each other’s personhood. I will respect and nurture your culture, class, gender, orientation, racial, and religious differences. I will do my best to own my stuff and bring into the work our sameness and differences in a way that celebrates who we are. I am committed to being a visible ally.  

Brown hands cupping water that is running down against the backdrop of a blue water view

Anti-Oppression Practice is a  clear theoretical and value base that promotes egalitarianism and power-sharing; • an understanding of one’s social location and how it informs relationships and practice behaviors; • a challenge to existing social relationships in which powerful groups maintain power and influence over less powerful groups; and • specific practice behaviors and relationships that minimize power imbalances and promote equity and empowerment for users of service.  


“A real humanist can be identified more by their trust in the people, which engages them in their struggle, than by a thousand actions in their favor without that trust.”
— - Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed.